Changes: they happen. And they can suck. A famous few include puberty (everything is changing), the seasons (unless you are here in California), and the political climate (which I will NOT be getting into). My point is that they exist and, like it or not, they help make the world go round.
I have been on a hiatus from blogging (and most of the things I enjoy) for the last few months because of this driving force - though if change were to ever have a drivers licence it would get that licence revoked so fast for speed infringements alone. By last few months I mean since January. So almost 7 months? Change has recently dictated my daily life. So here is a quick rundown of what's been going on.
1. The title of this blog has changed to reflect the main change... That could be phrased a lot better... But you get the point. The trio has met it's end. It's been a good year and some change (see that pun there?), but the boyfriend and I are moving on in our own way (reflected in change number 2). So the blog will evolve to show this.
2. I am now engaged. There will be a post on that later down the line.
3. The fiance and I are moving. Finding a place was an interesting journey. If it was affordable it was farther away than we wanted to be, and if it was within a reasonable distance to campus it was out of our price range. It was like trying to find the one platinum needle in a pile of silver needles. Fucking impossible. Then one's we could compromise on had requirements we could not meet: 2 years record in a previous location, 3 times the rent as our monthly income, and a Pegasus/Unicorn offspring. But we finally managed to find a place, within our current complex just two buildings over. We are lucky.
4. Job's are changing us, slowly but surely. I get to continue my work in costuming as we face a new semester in grad school (RIP boyfriend/boyfriends social life). But also the job hunt continues. Recently I had 5 interviews within 1 week, out of the 50+ applications I had submitted the previous week within a 3 day period. Some of these were even second interviews! Didn't get any of the jobs... Finding a job so the fiance and I can keep the new place is harder than I was hoping.
So these are the most recent reasons for not being online. Part of it does have to do with self-motivation, admittedly. But I needed to take some of the time for myself since all of the stress started getting to me. Hopefully these remaining months will turn things around. It's all looking up from here.
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