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Cantaloupe Trouble and Orange Juice

I have found there are two types of people: those who enjoy ripping the guts out pumpkins, and those who get grossed out by the very thought of touching that slime.  I fall into the later category and have further discovered that the insides of a cantaloupe resemble that of a pumpkin.  So tonight when I was preparing the fruit for easy storage in our fridge, this cantaloupe and I had a bit of a fight.

The terms that were finally agreed upon was that I would make this as quick as possible - probably not something I should have tried to promise seeing as it was my first melon to have ever dealt with - and it was going to keep its slimy seed goo all to itself.  Apparently the cantaloupe didn't think I was working quick enough, so when I was emptying aforementioned goo into the trash bag... it all fell onto the floor.

Now, as the subtitle to this blog informs you, there is a cat in this house. A curious cat. A curious and stubborn cat.  A curious and stubborn cat who is too smart for her own good.  Suffice it to say that the phrase "Get that seed goo out of your mouth!" is something I never thought I would say, even in the strangest of circumstances.  Honestly, it's right up there with "Why are there chocolate chip cookies in my boots?" - which is a whole other story all to itself.

Moving on.

Who knew that cantaloupes could be so fussy?  No one thought to forward me that memo. "Caution! Fruit Known to be Persnickety When Being Sliced!"  Really now, why is it hard to do basic things?

And now here is the second half of the post with absolutely NO Segway:

I love orange juice.  I am not brand specific, nor do I discriminate between premade, frozen, and condensed.  Doesn't matter to me as long as it is cold.  And to force a chill down your spine: yes, I even like it after I have brushed my teeth.

This being said, a staple that resides in our freezer here is frozen OJ.  Lets face it, when on a budget and a little lacking in freezer space, those frozen and condensed cans do come in handy.  All you do is plop the frozen orange stuff into a pitcher, add water, and stir until dissolved. I have been known to go through one can of prepared OJ within a few hours.  I love orange juice.

Since moving in we have had two whisks, a large and a small.  My reasoning when asked why by the Queen, they can easily perform different tasks, and if one is being washed we have a backup.  Well now the larger one has broken and I am not using a rinky-dink whisk to make up three pints of my favorite juice.  So I have found a secondary instrument that works just as well: a potato masher.  You know those types you get from the dollar store?  They stand up on their own and they have a long-ish handle?  One of those.

Turns up they work great! You can mash the frozen glop at the bottom of the pitcher and stir it at the same time.  Also, you don't need to worry about it slipping down into the pitcher if you let go of it, it can stand up all on its own.

Welcome to post graduate life, where the opening theme to FRIENDS pretty much got it right.  Well, parts of it at least.


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