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The Concept of "Work"

Living with three people makes things easier.  It allows for things to be spread out and almost always solves the issue of one person doing all of the work.  This is easily accomplished by way of a chore chart.  So what did The Queen and I sit down and do one night?  A chore chart!

Now, since out of the three of us I was home the most often, I was doing most of the house work.  Not that I mind, they do fill my gas tank when I've been driving them around a lot and pitch in with groceries, so I consider this work part of "earning my keep".  They did not see it as such, and so the chore chart happened.

Oddly enough, it is working out pretty well.  It does seem to come with a period of adjustment where we remember that we have something to do today.  But it is a good idea, since no one likes to be stuck doing all of the work.

A word of caution to this: not everyone does the same chore in the same way.  Come to find out that all of the silverware must be sorted by their type even in the dishwasher.  Even the plates by their size!  Make sure that everyone is on the same page for how the chores are defined, otherwise things may never get done. Just fair warning.


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