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Showing posts from August, 2018

Broke-A** College Student

Even after college, being broke seems to be a long lasting side effect.  There seem to be two primary reasons for this. 1. "First Jobs" generally suck.  They pay minimum wages, screw you on hours, and are emotionally taxing.  I don't care if all you're doing is flipping burgers, the stigma of being unmotivated and stupid still hurts.  And the longer you listen to those stigmas, the more likely you are to start believing them.  There are both studies and plenty of old wives tales to back this up. Then to top it all off, all of the "god jobs" generally require "prior experience".  Which means you are stuck at that "first job" until you get some "experience". 2. Trying to live (even with roommates) is too Goddamn expensive! Want to live close to work so you can ride a bike or take the bus to work to be more ecologically minded? Well, do you have 3 times the rent as your income? No? Well tough shit, go look elsewhere. T...

"Changes" - Coming Soon to a Life Near You!

Changes: they happen.  And they can suck.  A famous few include puberty (everything is changing), the seasons (unless you are here in California), and the political climate (which I will NOT be getting into).  My point is that they exist and, like it or not, they help make the world go round. I have been on a hiatus from blogging (and most of the things I enjoy) for the last few months because of this driving force - though if change were to ever have a drivers licence it would get that licence revoked so fast for speed infringements alone.  By last few months I mean since January.  So almost 7 months?  Change has recently dictated my daily life.  So here is a quick rundown of what's been going on. 1. The title of this blog has changed to reflect the main change... That could be phrased a lot better... But you get the point.  The trio has met it's end.  It's been a good year and some change (see that pun there?), but the boyfriend and I ...