To be blunt: life sucks. It just does, and there is no other way around it. Now, that being said, you really do need to appreciate the smaller things in life. It helps the stupid things seem smaller. Embrace your guilty pleasures! I love PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) season, my colored pens, and wondering which cardigan to wear. I even post pictures of these things on Instagram! I could care less what people think. Spontaneity is a thing. You should do it more often. You never know when it will produce something you didn't know you needed. Gratitude and Love. They are the things that make life ... well ... life. Practice them, even if it all sucks. Traffic is the perfect time to listen and sing along to music without caring about who else is listening. Think of the car ride as a concert staring you, and it will always be awesome. Age is superfluous - unless you are doing something adult in nature, in which case it is very important - frie...
I live with my cat and my fiance. This is my life.