Minimalism is a journey to find what truly makes you happy in life. It isn't a fad about having the cleanest space with the least goods. It isn't a switch you flip one day and spontaneously do. You can't force yourself through getting rid of things. You will never be able to "convert" people to minimalism. And it certainly isn't a set number of things needed or not needed to "be a minimalist". Everyone has their own version of what minimalism is. What minimalism is to me is finding what sparks a smile. It's about adding meaning back into your life. It's about remembering what really matters to you, building meaningful relationships, and not always wondering what this mad dash of society is. It's about breaking the habit of compulsory purchasing and asking yourself "Why?" "Why am I buying this?" "Does it mean that much to me?" This is a journey I found myself starting about a year or so ago, and...
I live with my cat and my fiance. This is my life.