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Showing posts from October, 2017

Love. Gratitude. Sisterhood.

Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, no matter how much we wish it to be.  Not everything can be covered in glitter, and absolutely nothing is perfect.  Sometimes there are things you wish you could change, but then you remember that you are powerless to do so, then you feel lost. Fair warning: this is not a comical post about my roommates and I doing something ridiculous, though I wish it was.  It is reflective, mundane, and slightly depressing.  So if you would rather read something else, I will not be offended. This is about my sister and I.  Those who don't know me so well will ask "What sister?".  I do actually have an older sister, and I love her to the moon and back.  She knows I would do anything for her.  But, unlike most sisters, we did not grow up together.  We were born to different mothers and raised by different parts of the same extended family.  Due to reasons beyond our control, even though I met her at a young age, I didn't find out about ou

You realize you're becoming an adult when...

1)  You see low gas prices and you absolutely HAVE to stop. (Even if its only a gallon or so that you'll be buying.  Who would pass up that type of opportunity?) 2)  You get excited when new sale flyers arrive in the mail! - grocery sales, that is. 3)  Seeing bills in your mail no longer phases you.     *Bonus: You write down the due dates on your calendar (or at least set reminders for yourself) 4)  You worry more about how your LinkedIn profile looks than your status on Face Book. 5)  "Laundry Day" is no longer governed by your last pair of underwear or socks. 6)  A "late night" ends at 11:30 for you. 7)  You've taken on this thing called "responsibility", and are trying your best to at least "fake it". 8)  You get frightened awake by nightmares of being past due on your rent... just after you've paid it. I probably missed a lot of small points, but these are the one's that I have noticed so far.  And can you f